
Sean Dooley, Grainne Cleary, Jon Clark and Darryl Jones are all authorities on the behaviour of our beloved Gymnorhina tibicen (a.k.a. your local Magpie) but as far as we know only one of them shares our passion for the bike! Jon is the founder and editor of which is a fabulous resource for Australian Cyclists, Walkers and Runners that enables them to log bird attacks in their locality. We recently sent Jon a PieProof helmet to see if it could shift his Springtime relationship with Magpies from one of fear and avoidance, to calm acceptance.

Read Jon's full review

Full PieProof Helmet review by Shane Miller - GPLama who has 68 Million views of his bike gear reviews on YouTube and counting!

Bicycle Queensland

This article appeared in the Bicycle Queensland newsletter on August 29th 2024.
Disclosure:- PieProof helmets were independently reviewed by BQ as a part of a broader, paid campaign. You can subscribe to the BQ newsletter even if you don’t live in Queensland to keep up with all things on two wheels in the Sunshine State. Click the subscribe button at the bottom of this page Bicycle Queensland (

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